About Us


The Tri-County Literacy Network facilitates the literacy program planning at the regional and community levels in Chatham-Kent, Sarnia-Lambton and Windsor-Essex.

Local Planning and Coordination
The Network coordinates the development of a Literacy Services Plan in each community including involvement from all streams provided in that community (Anglophone, Francophone, Native and Deaf).

What is a Literacy Services Plan?
A literacy services plan is produced annually by literacy providers and partners. It is a broad response to the literacy needs of the community. The plan identifies key activities to be carried out by agencies as well as gaps and overlaps which must be addressed.

Ongoing support
The Network has a responsibility to provide ongoing support to agencies throughout Chatham-Kent, Essex and Lambton counties to deliver quality programming. This key responsibility may include developing resources or training modules, responding to requests for information, identifying training and resource needs and providing follow up to new initiatives. The Network has a literacy resource library, and produces an annual newsletter.

Enhancing Communication
Communication among literacy delivery agencies in the region and between the region and the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities is critical in the development of a cooperative system of literacy services. The Network shares information on “best practices” and keeps abreast of regional and provincial issues that may impact on programs. It is important that the Network relays information to literacy programs on all developments that pertain to them.

Information and Referral
The Tri-County Literacy Network provides an information and referral service and toll free number in an effort to ensure that potential learner are directed to the program that best suits their needs. The Network facilitates discussion on protocol development in cooperation with programs to be utilized between agencies and by referring agents, again helping to ensure that the learner enters the most appropriate program.

Coordinating Training and Professional Development
Providing regional coordination of the ongoing professional development of literacy staff. Potential volunteers can be referred to programs in their area. The Network coordinates training events and opportunities in accordance with government requirements and identified needs.

Managing Special Projects
In consultation with the programs, proposals are developed to support the efforts of literacy service providers in areas that are identified as priorities. The Network manages special projects when funded for this.

Educating the Public
The Network provides education to the public and key stakeholders at a regional level on the nature and extent of the literacy needs of adults in their region. This is done through presentations, publications, and regular publicity. The Network participates in community events and works to develop partnerships within the communities in the region.